About Flikad

Welcome to Flikad, the Ad portal and Mobile platform that gives local awareness to consumers about discounted products in your nearby community. Everyday your busy running your business and really don’t have time for advertising campaigns, so FlikAd makes it easy for you to add digital coupon's on the fly that are pushed out to thousands of FlikAd registered users in your area, allowing then to find you versus you waiting for them.

Consumers are always looking for a deal on products and services. How many times have you spent thousands on printed Ads and placed them outside your shop only to attract a few locals that walk by. FlikAd allow your Ad/Deal to be reached out to our shoppers via the one device they won’t leave home without, that’s right their mobile phones.

Study shows that the average person checks his/her mobile phone 110 times a day and every 6 seconds in the evening. What a great way for shopper to see your Ad(s) as it pushes out to their devices.

Mobile-Aware Ads are cost effective, hassle free, and environmentally safe to bring foot traffic to your store. We offer:

Creating Your Ad

First creating your Ad that will take only a few minutes.

Sign up for free and try it out for 60 days.

Pick a subscription package and simplify your earning growth.

Your custom Ad will allow you to add product picture, description, Ad run time, Quantity Allotment and more, as old traditional methods just don’t work due to the fact that they are too costly, and people don’t tend to shuffle through newspapers and potential not find what they are looking for.